Da Jia Hao~! ^^
So, some of yous might already know about this, but I've been watching the Taiwanese Drama "When Love Walked In" (爱情闯进门) lately and I've just finished the last episode a few days ago. ^^
Review Time~~! ^-^ ♥
I've pretty much covered everything on first impressions etc. in my last post so I'll just write from the point of view of someone who has watched everything from start to finish :D
Beware of SPOILERS~~ ^w^
Our sunny Victoria as Ya Yin! ^///^ |
First of all, this drama was amazing- the plot, the feel of it and the characters and their developments, everything a 10/10! ^^ Maybe its just me but I love (like I mentioned in the previous post) the cute atmosphere of the drama. For someone who loves Romantic Comedies, this drama has been a gem and a real savouring treat! ^w^
Kgghhhh~~ Her evil presence~~~~!! == |
On the subject of characters, each are unique and lovable in their own way. We all love a drama with interesting characters! ^^ I particularly like the fact that in this drama, no character is purely evil (Yep! Not even Ya Yin's witch of an older cousin! T-T). This is one of those tear-jerking dramas where the characters we think are evil are actually all good on the inside, they just think stupid things, do stupid things and end up making life hell for the protagonists, but at the end of the day, they sit down and have a counselling session in which everybody forgives and forgets and lives happily ever after as good guys. (I actually like these types of dramas hehe =w=)
Hurray for friendship! ^^ |
There are more than one loveline in this drama (which is always good), and the pairings are adorable ^^ I particularly LOVE the main couple, I really love both characters, their interactions and how they have such good affinity- to the point where they're probably destined for each other. Oh and we all love a story where characters have a mysterious past! xD
My Feels! > A < |
The way they linked the story to so many symbolic objects makes one nostalgic. I know the next time I walk by my living room curtains -which has a glass ball attached on either side of the rod- I'd probably cry a river, and the next time I see a needle, I'd imagine three little angles flying around it by the name of 雨林风! x'3
I also love dramas that have good OSTs. In my opinion, they make a good drama even better and makes it all the more special- and this drama is one of them. The OSTs (although not many) are amazing, they can really hit your soft spots and warm your heart too ^^ The theme tune: 爱情闯进门 by By2 has been stuck on replay in my head. You will be able to hear this song playing in our cafe too! ^^ ♥
Why is love so complicated? |
The only thing which probably bugged me about this drama lies behind Yu Jiang- the main male protagonist. He is a mega cool genius when it comes to everday-life but he's sooo weak and indecisive when it comes to girls and relationships- to the point where I'm mentally bashing my head against a wall! T A T (C'mon, he insisted on marrying two other women and persuaded the girl he did love to marry another guy... ==)
They meet again! x'3 |
Aside from that, this drama is amazing and very worth watching. If you enjoyed the Korean dramas "Playful Kiss" and "Heartstrings" then I'd recommend this to you because the feel of it is like a mesh of the two ^^ Oh and if you like Victoria from f(x), Taiwanese Boy Band Fahrenheit, Super Junior M or just Flower Guys and Girls in general, then you should check this idol drama out! xD
Ahh~ Withdrawal symptons~~! :'3
晚安! d(=w =
-Mew x
(Enjoyed this post? Think it could be better? Let me know what you think with a taste review and/or comment below and follow me for more updates! ^-^)
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