Everyone Annyeong! ^^
After our Yongie dropped out of Heirs, I thought that was the last that we'd hear from our Dooley couple for a while but thankfully, we've been proved wrong with yet again some juicy tidbits- coincidence or not >w< ♥
Everyone has heard about the coffee shop "incident" after the movie premier of "Passionate Goodbye", right? This was only last month, I spazzed when I first read about it but then dismissed it because I didn't want to get my hopes up. Now that I've thought over it, I'm beginning to change my mind again~ <w< Here's my little dooley-sional summary of what happened that afternoon ^w^

Anyway, we should consider that also around this time, there were loads of fans and curious people huddled outside with cellphone cameras snap-snapping away- I bet they kept their distance to stop any rumors from forming. I mean, if they are "just best friends" like they said, there would be nothing wrong with saying hello and talking to each other, right? O:) From the images and fan accounts, it looked as though Shin Hye and Minhyuk were the close ones and we know this isn't true xD
Complete delusion: It's like Yong sent him there to look after her for him! :'3
Whatever happened next, we have no idea xD We can only presume that Yong joined his band members after lingering around on other tables :) Well at least we know that our Dooley couple definitely met each other again ^^
That incident aside, have you heard about the "Dragon Flower" incident that happened not-too-long ago? >w< Well in CNBlue's World Concert in Singapore, Yong Hwa said that his "English name" was "DF - Dragon Flower" (Quite a unique name... <w<).
It just so happened that during the Chinese International Film Festivals three days later, Shin Hye received a rose from someone (presumed to be a "fan" keke TwT) with the word "Heartstrings" written on it, along with some other words. She then tweets later "Thank you Dragon ㅇ ㅅ ㅇ". Could it be that the fan was called "Dragon"? Or could the flower have been from Yong Hwa to make her smile and remind her of Heartstrings' second anniversary? ;)
Coincidence or not, only Mr and Mrs Dooley would know~ ^^ ♥
Wanting more? Fear not! xD I have one more Dooley-sional trivia hot from the oven to share with you! And this one's even more recent! ^^
If you stalk Yong Hwa religiously, you should've heard that he got himself a new car recently! ^^ It's a Black Land Rover Jeep (If I'm correct? Not really a car-person! ><), and he was seen driving it outside FNC's building. (Assuming that the car is his and he wasn't just parking it for someone ^^") Well, I had read from somewhere that Shin Hye likes Land Rovers. If this is true, wouldn't it seem like he bought the car with Shin Hye in mind? ^^
This only adds to the dooley-sional theory behind why Yong Hwa started to work out. There was once a time when our Mr. Dooley didn't really care about muscles or physical strength, but strangely enough, he suddenly started to exercise and train himself "for his future girlfriend". Oh and did I forget to mention that Shin Hye once said that she likes guys with "muscular bodies"? xD *spazz~~*
Okay okay, I know that the more skeptic ones within us might argue that all the above were just pure coincidence or completely delusional theories. ^^ Maybe they are? Maybe we really are over thinking? But there's one thing I do know... that's a heck of a lot of coincidences! xD
What do you think? ^^
-Mew x
What do you think? ^^
-Mew x
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