♥ Happy Heartstrings 2nd Anniversary~! ^^ ♥
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cr: Drama Fever |
Woo! 여러분 안녕하세요! ^^ Happy Heartstrings 2nd Anniversary!! xD
I won't say much in this post today- well at least I'll try not to- because there's just too much to say and not enough words! :') Has it really been two years already?? Looking back on all the pictures of our Dooley couple on the set of Heartstrings just makes all the memories come flooding back! Actually, scratch what I said earlier! Today, I'm gonna blog to my hearts content! xD (Hope I don't lose you on the way! Hang on tight! :'3)
Where It All Began...
This is the place where everything began. A little white lighthouse by the blue Jejudo sea. Our Lee Shin once stood there two years ago with camera, taking pictures of all that's beautiful in complete serenity.
This place was the start of many things... the Dooley bike... Gyu Won's pink one-wheeled suitcase... as well as his snapshot of her that linked the fates of our two beloved characters forever.
Fictional or not, this place is one of the places that has been imprinted into the hearts of Dooliers forever~
I know I would want to visit it one day before I die ^^
The First Time We Meet Grandpa
I must admit Heartstrings has one of the best openings I have seen. It's not too over the top, and not too boring either. It's simple, and entices your curiosity.
Oh and don't we just love being acquainted to the main character's grandpa on the very first episode? haha
He's the most unique hal-abeoji I've yet to come across in Korean Drama~ ^^
The First Time We Hear The Stupid
Like Gyu Won, who else felt their heart stop when they heard The Stupid play for the first time?
We've all heard Yong Hwa sing before in You're Beautiful, but it's pretty much proven that he shines brighter when he's in center stage. Don't you agree?
Lee Shin, Meos-issda~! We've fallen for you! ^///^
The First Crappy Car In K-Drama History
For me anyway, not sure if you guys have seen worse?
Usually, some of the world's most gorgeous rides that probably cost a fortune are showcased generously in K-Drama, that's why this tugged my heartstrings when I first saw it.
What a way to welcome home a Broadway director! ^^"
No wonder it's become another unique charm of Heartstrings ^^
The First Music Venue I Wished Was Real
Also know as: The first music venue that I can't pronounce the name of!
The Ca-tha-the-sis! The Ca-tha-the-so-sis! Nope. Still can't pronounce it.
It means: The process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.
The First One-Sided Puppy Crush I Rooted For
I'm sure 99.5% of the audience fell in love at first sight with the possibility of a Joon-hee and Bo Woon pairing- I know I did! >w<
Them two are just ADOR-ABLE! On their own and as a pair! XD Sometimes I really wonder why they didn't end up as a couple in the end. *Grumble...*
In any case, they sure made Heartstrings worth while! :'3
The First and Best Fangirling in a K-Drama
I have honestly wondered if this "MiRa" was actually a Boice undercover as an actress, and boy did she play her part well!
But then again, who wouldn't go all "MiRa" if CNBlue's leader Jung Yong Hwa (and in this case the leader of the Stupid, Lee Shin) said happy birthday to them (including their name!) in public?
I know I would die happy~ >w<
Even though younger siblings are usually portrayed in a pesky light in most Rom-Coms, this is the first sibling character which I still can't differentiate whether I like or hate her T-T
I really wonder what she does with all that money... She is like a saleswoman in the making.
How she managed to hit it off with hal-abeoji is beyond me! <<"
The First Thing Lee Shin Said About Gyu Won
I must admit- as honest as that statement was- it screamed 'arrogance' to my ears the first time I heard it.
It completely wrecked the Shin-woo image of Yong Hwa we had before, but it shows us that Yong has improved a lot because of the way he delivered it. If I was there, I'd be twins with the guy sitting next to him xD
But weirdly enough, this is one of the quote I remember best from Heartstrings~
(Still in writing process...! ^^ Check back later~ ^3^)
cr: thingsthattuggedmyheartstrings @ tumblr