Good Evening Guys! ^^
So today's Friday again and that's both good and bad news for me... <<" Firstly, today = TaecGui Friday! xD And secondly... that means only 2 more glorious days left before going back to mandatory confinement called education Q A Q But fear not! I'll post review summaries for both this week and last week in hope that your week would be better than mine so far! =w=
Okay, so in last week's episode, we finally find out the happenings after they announced they were gonna explore the hotel's swimming pool. The pair looked like puppies in the water- it was adorable to watch! ^^ But boyy did GuiGui's reaction towards wet skin meeting cold air crack me up! X'D If I was her, I would've done the same- seek protection from yon chlorined water! > 3 <
(...And then send Taecyeon to get the towels! x9)
After they settled down at a poolside table warmly-wrapped and cozy, the question finally popped up! >//w//< No...!! Not that question, silly! :9 (I know! But... shhh it's still a tad early! >w<) The type of question that makes one giddy which I thought definitely wouldn't come up or be spoken about again but will popularly be requested by the press... good boy Taec! ^//w//^ The reason behind the answer to "Would you date in real life" in the wedding photoshoot's Yes or No Game!! ^^
I personally understand fully why Gui Gui would answer "No", but getting to see Taec confront her about it (thus making the atmosphere awkward) makes Mew giddy! kekeke >//w//< I guess Taec is just one of those guys who wants to make sure and confirm everything~ ^^ Poor GuiGui, she sounds so frustrated over trying to get her feelings across in the interview! (And those frequently inaccurate English translations doesn't do her any justice either T-T)
Talking about interviews... did anyone understand Taec's eraser-trust simile? << It sounded very sincere, but he lost me half way, if anyone can explain what he meant to me through a comment below, I'd be very grateful! ^^*
At Dinner Time~ ♥
As Gui Gui gets ready to meet Taec for dinner, Taec is busy rehaersing for the surprise he had in plan for Gui Gui. Gingerly thumbling around on the keys of a grand piano, Taec hides himself behind it at the site of his incoming wife.
Then, when Gui Gui's distracted by a waitress, Taecyeon takes the chance to lift himself onto the piano seat and play on cue with the glowing lights- their chopsticks song ^^ ♥
It really was a heart-warming moment for Gui Gui to hear the full composition of their song with the bridge and finale she didn't know before.

Supporting him 'til the end despite his tiny mistake, the performance ends with the sound of Gui Gui's applause, and I bet what happened next Gui Gui hadn't seen it coming! x3
"When I first saw you,when we took the hot cocoa by one shot,something connected.
When you asked for the silver shoes, I did know how much you would want it.
But after when you’ve got them, your eyes shined and that is something I would never forget.
When we were playing on the snow field, it felt like I became a little child again.
Let us be honest.
Do you feel something when you see me?
During the wedding’s photo shot,did you feel something different from the usual?
Not being able look at me straight,laughing whenever I get closer.
I have changed for sure, little by little, you’ve changed me.
Now,I want to say this from the bottom of my heart,

Gui Gui, would you marry me tomorrow?" "...Yes!"
I'm pretty sure your tears wasn't because of the "sad" music playing from Taec's phone, right Gui Gui? x3
Between mouthfuls of spaghetti, Taecyeon initiates another heart-to-heart conversation. "When were you the most happiest being with me?"
Maybe it was just me, but did anyone else notice that Taec looked a little disappointed when she answered 'having fun with him'? He might've been hoping for an answer of specific memories that they shared together <w<
And then the next question (which I think really shouldn't have been cut in the youtube version): "When we're apart, do you think of me?" To which both parties said "Yes." ^//w//^
I know that some people aren't satisfied with the fact that Gui Gui thinks of Taec when 2PM is mentioned, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that. That's just life. In fact, it's actually a good thing since it means that the first person she thinks of when 2PM is mentioned is Taecyeon and not Nikhun- and that is telling us something! kekeke TwT
I also really love the Gui Gui that "pops" in and out of Taec's mind yelling "Oppa~~! x3", and how Taec words this as a simile of "like a random flashmob" hahaha xD A flashmob of Gui Gui's? Now that would be interesting! Lol XD
Back to the Hotel~~
Well... I must admit that the second half of this episode looks more like a CF for vinegar energy drinks more than anything else haha xD Our TaecGui couple decide to do some stretching before bed to wake themselves up a bit (as ironic as that sounds). We can now confirm that Taecyeon is not flexible haha XD But we don't blame him! :'3
Taec decides to take a break and asks GuiGui to pour him some of that vinegar energy that he brought with him. GuiGui (being GuiGui) pours much more of the vinegar solution than she was meant to as a prank. The ratio of vinegar solution to water was pretty much 8:1 haha xD. What I find really cute is the fact that Taec knew what she was up to but did a one shot anyway like she wanted. N'awww :'3
The delayed after-taste reactions are HILARIOUS XD
"Gui Gui..."
"Come sit here..." *CRINGE* "C'mere! C'mere!"
*Then tries to shove the rest of the solution down her throat straight from the bottle LOL*
Now our TaecGui couple wouldn't be TaecGui if there isn't a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors! :'3 Winner takes the death syrup this time! (To GuiGui's protests that she's always the loser XD) And of all the times GuiGui could've won, she just had to win this one! haha XD Taking her punishment, she downs the drink in one go and... the after-taste kicked in XD
GuiGui should've been the one to drink after the next round too, but Taecyeon volunteered and saved his new wife, insisting that it was "good for his body" x3
They then tried their stretches once more and a miracle happened! Taecyeon was now twice as flexible as before and the stretches he couldn't do before- he now could do with ease! The two then dance around the room in disbelief ^^
Before they decide to go to bed in their matching alien pyjamas, Gui Gui takes out a gift she got for Taec when she went to Disneyland in January. You guessed right! It's one of those green aliens again. This time a clip-on miniature doll which they both attached one to their shoes. >w<
After a long day, our TaecGui couple make their way under the covers in matching green pyjamas, time for some much deserved rest! ^^ How they managed to get through the day with just 1-2 hours sleep is beyond me, I can hardly stay awake with 7 hours!
Good night! Sweet Dreams! ^.^
-Mew x
Gui Gui~
After watching this ep, I read some of the comments under the video on YouTube and I must admit it lead me to some shocking findings.
It seems that at the time of filming, GuiGui had been thrown into a scandal with her previous co-star in a drama by her own estranged Mother. I know that some people openly judge Gui Gui with their careless comments over the net, now I truly understand the meaning behind "Don't judge a person until you've walked a mile in their shoes".
Our poor Gui Gui has had a rocky past with a broken family, and being the only child, I'm sure a lot of stress had been put on her. Nonetheless, she had pulled through and her achievements and the her today is amazing.
Some people may say that she's too childish, but can you really find it in your heart to say that to a child who had had to grow up faster than others to support her what's left of her family, and whom can't sleep without lively music at night even as a grown up today?
Sometimes, people don't think about their own actions and words and that can be a big problem.
To our beautiful Gui Gui, we'll always be supporting you- Jia You! Fighting~! ^^
(GIFs Credits to JC's Blog on Tumblr x)