Boucing Pink Bow Tie Ribbon Le Mew Cafe: May 2013

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Friday, 31 May 2013

Global We Got Married - TaecGui - Episode 8 - Review Summary

Good Evening Guys! ^^

So today's Friday again and that's both good and bad news for me... <<" Firstly, today = TaecGui Friday! xD And secondly... that means only 2 more glorious days left before going back to mandatory confinement called education Q A Q But fear not! I'll post review summaries for both this week and last week in hope that your week would be better than mine so far! =w=

Okay, so in last week's episode, we finally find out the happenings after they announced they were gonna explore the hotel's swimming pool. The pair looked like puppies in the water- it was adorable to watch! ^^ But boyy did GuiGui's reaction towards wet skin meeting cold air crack me up! X'D If I was her, I would've done the same- seek protection from yon chlorined water! > 3 <

  (...And then send Taecyeon to get the towels! x9)

After they settled down at a poolside table warmly-wrapped and cozy, the question finally popped up! >//w//< No...!! Not that question, silly! :9 (I know! But... shhh it's still a tad early! >w<) The type of question that makes one giddy which I thought definitely wouldn't come up or be spoken about again but will popularly be requested by the press... good boy Taec! ^//w//^ The reason behind the answer to "Would you date in real life" in the wedding photoshoot's Yes or No Game!! ^^

I personally understand fully why Gui Gui would answer "No", but getting to see Taec confront her about it (thus making the atmosphere awkward) makes Mew giddy! kekeke >//w//< I guess Taec is just one of those guys who wants to make sure and confirm everything~ ^^ Poor GuiGui, she sounds so frustrated over trying to get her feelings across in the interview! (And those frequently inaccurate English translations doesn't do her any justice either T-T)

Talking about interviews... did anyone understand Taec's eraser-trust simile? << It sounded very sincere, but he lost me half way, if anyone can explain what he meant to me through a comment below, I'd be very grateful! ^^*

At Dinner Time~ ♥

As Gui Gui gets ready to meet Taec for dinner, Taec is busy rehaersing for the surprise he had in plan for Gui Gui. Gingerly thumbling around on the keys of a grand piano, Taec hides himself behind it at the site of his incoming wife. 

Then, when Gui Gui's distracted by a waitress, Taecyeon takes the chance to lift himself onto the piano seat and play on cue with the glowing lights- their chopsticks song ^^ ♥ 

It really was a heart-warming moment for Gui Gui to hear the full composition of their song with the bridge and finale she didn't know before.

Supporting him 'til the end despite his tiny mistake, the performance ends with the sound of Gui Gui's applause, and I bet what happened next Gui Gui hadn't seen it coming! x3 

Taec (always organised!) sets the mood with a song playing from his phone. Then, we can all confess that our hearts melted when Taecyeon takes out a letter which read:~

"When I first saw you,when we took the hot cocoa by one shot,something connected.

When you asked for the silver shoes, I did know how much you would want it.

But after when you’ve got them, your eyes shined and that is something I would never forget.

When we were playing on the snow field, it felt like I became a little child again.

Let us be honest.

Do you feel something when you see me?

During the wedding’s photo shot,did you feel something different from the usual?

Not being able look at me straight,laughing whenever I get closer.

I have changed for sure, little by little, you’ve changed me.

Now,I want to say this from the bottom of my heart,

After just the first few sentences, Gui Gui just couldn't hold back the tears. Even though she didn't quite fully understand the handwritten letter, from the familiar keywords, she could muster the meaning of the content and felt the true sincerity of the otherwise well-written and emotionally-delivered letter. Like us, as well as in the clip itself, Gui Gui said in interview that she had flashbacks just like how it would be in a movie, and repeatedly expressed her appreciation and how emotional she felt ^^*

Gui Gui, would you marry me tomorrow?"  "...Yes!"

I'm pretty sure your tears wasn't because of the "sad" music playing from Taec's phone, right Gui Gui? x3

Between mouthfuls of spaghetti, Taecyeon initiates another heart-to-heart conversation. "When were you the most happiest being with me?"

Maybe it was just me, but did anyone else notice that Taec looked a little disappointed when she answered 'having fun with him'? He might've been hoping for an answer of specific memories that they shared together <w<

And then the next question (which I think really shouldn't have been cut in the youtube version): "When we're apart, do you think of me?" To which both parties said "Yes." ^//w//^

I know that some people aren't satisfied with the fact that Gui Gui thinks of Taec when 2PM is mentioned, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that. That's just life. In fact, it's actually a good thing since it means that the first person she thinks of when 2PM is mentioned is Taecyeon and not Nikhun- and that is telling us something! kekeke TwT

I also really love the Gui Gui that "pops" in and out of Taec's mind yelling "Oppa~~! x3", and how Taec words this as a simile of "like a random flashmob" hahaha xD A flashmob of Gui Gui's? Now that would be interesting! Lol XD

Back to the Hotel~~

Well... I must admit that the second half of this episode looks more like a CF for vinegar energy drinks more than anything else haha xD Our TaecGui couple decide to do some stretching before bed to wake themselves up a bit (as ironic as that sounds). We can now confirm that Taecyeon is not flexible haha XD But we don't blame him! :'3 

Taec decides to take a break and asks GuiGui to pour him some of that vinegar energy that he brought with him. GuiGui (being GuiGui) pours much more of the vinegar solution than she was meant to as a prank. The ratio of vinegar solution to water was pretty much 8:1 haha xD. What I find really cute is the fact that Taec knew what she was up to but did a one shot anyway like she wanted. N'awww :'3 

The delayed after-taste reactions are HILARIOUS XD

"Gui Gui..." 


"Come sit here..." *CRINGE* "C'mere! C'mere!" 

*Then tries to shove the rest of the solution down her throat straight from the bottle LOL*

Now our TaecGui couple wouldn't be TaecGui if there isn't a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors! :'3 Winner takes the death syrup this time! (To GuiGui's protests that she's always the loser XD) And of all the times GuiGui could've won, she just had to win this one! haha XD Taking her punishment, she downs the drink in one go and... the after-taste kicked in XD

GuiGui should've been the one to drink after the next round too, but Taecyeon volunteered and saved his new wife, insisting that it was "good for his body" x3

They then tried their stretches once more and a miracle happened! Taecyeon was now twice as flexible as before and the stretches he couldn't do before- he now could do with ease! The two then dance around the room in disbelief ^^

Before they decide to go to bed in their matching alien pyjamas, Gui Gui takes out a gift she got for Taec when she went to Disneyland in January. You guessed right! It's one of those green aliens again. This time a clip-on miniature doll which they both attached one to their shoes. >w<

After a long day, our TaecGui couple make their way under the covers in matching green pyjamas, time for some much deserved rest! ^^ How they managed to get through the day with just 1-2 hours sleep is beyond me, I can  hardly stay awake with 7 hours!

Good night! Sweet Dreams! ^.^

-Mew x

Gui Gui~

After watching this ep, I read some of the comments under the video on YouTube and I must admit it lead me to some shocking findings. 

It seems that at the time of filming, GuiGui had been thrown into a scandal with her previous co-star in a drama by her own estranged Mother. I know that some people openly judge Gui Gui with their careless comments over the net, now I truly understand the meaning behind "Don't judge a person until you've walked a mile in their shoes". 

Our poor Gui Gui has had a rocky past with a broken family, and being the only child, I'm sure a lot of stress had been put on her. Nonetheless, she had pulled through and her achievements and the her today is amazing. 

Some people may say that she's too childish, but can you really find it in your heart to say that to a child who had had to grow up faster than others to support her what's left of her family, and whom can't sleep without lively music at night even as a grown up today? 

Sometimes, people don't think about their own actions and words and that can be a big problem.

To our beautiful Gui Gui, we'll always be supporting you- Jia You! Fighting~! ^^

(GIFs Credits to JC's Blog on Tumblr x) 

Monday, 27 May 2013

CNBlue Blue Moon World Concert in Seoul (Dooley News~! ^^)

Good Evening All Nighters! ^^*

Sorry guys for not posting a little earlier than this! I got a little carried away with other things- hope you will forgive me this once <w< Gotta make sure this is posted before midnight kekeke~

So, as you can see from the title, get ready for some Dooley-sional news! ^^ 

The CNBlue Blue Moon World Tour reached Seoul -the city of KPOP- yesterday! And guess who was present~~~? >w< Yep, that's right! Our lovely Park Shin Hye herself sitting with her mother right next to Mummy Jung! ^^ (Deja vu anyone? Didn't this happen in the Blue Storm concert too? xP) 

Fans (probably the Dooliers xD) have spotted Yonghwa pointing at a cap-wearing Shin Hye and her mum several times during the concert. Below is a link to a fancam, hmmm, could it be true? <w<

If Shin Hye was going to see the concert, why must she wear a cap to disguise herself? What's wrong with a celebrity showing support to their friend? Mew doesn't really understand... but it's most probably because of the bashers~ =w= Or those generally nosy! :3 (Guilty... ">>

But... delusions aside, much support to CNBlue! Can't wait 'til they come to the UK, hopefully I can get to see them in person at their concert in London, and if not... well... I'll definitely support them online! :3 

For those who aren't Dooliers, Mew understands that CNBlue is CNBlue, Dooley is Dooley... ^^ 

But Yong Hwa ya~ After Baek Sang and all the denials... and now this... it's hard for us to think otherwise ;3

Sweet Dreams! ^^

-Mew x

First Thoughts on When Love Walked In - 爱情闯进门 ^^

Good Day Everyone~! ^^

Because the weather is nice today and that I love you guys~ I will try my best to post two blog posts today! Promise! x3 ♥

So, you might've noticed that I've been missing for the past few days :3 Well... it's all because of the image to the left kekeke >w<

When my drama cravings kicked in, I decided to start watching number 5 on my list- When Love Walked In, and it sure did satisfy! xD Just from watching the trailer it left me with so many... questions! Guess curiosity really does kill cats <w<"

Firstly I must admit that I was drawn in because Victoria from f(x) is in it and I got to know and love her through the Khuntoria days V w V But then, once I started to watch the drama, I really fell in love with her character, the rest of the characters as well as the cute atmosphere of the drama. >//w//<

In theory, this should be my... first Taiwanese drama? <.< It really doesn't feel like it since they have Beijing Standard Dialect dubbing, so I get it confused with a Mainland Chinese Drama once in a while... <.< (By the way, Ya Yin's voice is soooo cute! >//w//<) Anyway, origins aside, it's great to watch dramas without the need of subtitles! Ahh~~ it's been a while xD (Not showing off my skills in Chinese or anything haha) But yeah, subtitles are awesome and makes drama-watching a unique experience, but unknowingly it makes the experience just that little bit tiring sometimes, don't you think? =w= 

Right now, I have watched up to the part where... Yu Jiang has proposed to his girl friend (as in a girl... friend. :P)(still haven't memorised all the names yet... =.="). Ahhh.... why do these young people have to make life so complicated for themselves?? If you like Ya Yin just let her know and stick with her~~! == (Yes, I'm talking to you Yu Jiang haha XD) If you can't tell already, I'm shipping Ya Yin with Yu Jiang x3 Glad not to suffer from Second-Man-Syndrome this time! :'3

So... to round up, I'm really looking forward to watching the rest of this drama, this one's a keeper! xD I'm sure the theme tune: 爱情闯进门/Ai Qing Chuang Jin Men will be stuck in my head for days :'3

Look forward to another post later! :D

-Mew x   Y(=w=

(P.S You might notice some changes to the site coming soon! xD)

Saturday, 25 May 2013

My To-Watch List for May Half Term 2013 ^^

Good Evening Everyone~~! x3

Today was the last day of school for me- Hallelujah!  ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ (For one week anyway...) I'm so glad I'm finally getting a break from all that stress~~ Time for some major relaxation and replenishment! (◡‿◡✿) 

If you are also having a break, what are you planning to do/ have been doing? :D I'm gonna try my best to make the most of my Half Term, lots of lying-in and catching up to do x3 

Lets see... Here is what I'm planning to do... (This could be a heads-up about my blog posts next week ;3)

.:My Half Term To-Do/To-Watch List:.
  1. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧  Rewatch Playful Kiss (For the 3rd Time >//w//<)
  2. Finish watching The Greatest Love (▰˘◡˘▰)
  3. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ Rewatch Heartstrings~~ 

  4. Watch xxxHolic (´∀`)

5. Check out When Love Walked In <w< (Because Victoria is in it~~~ >//w//<)

5. Watch a bit of Coffee Prince :3

That's as far as I have gotten so far, I might have to come back and add some more xD

Ahhhh~~ Just the thought ofLay-ins~~ =w=

Happy Holidays! I'll post again soon! :3

-Mew x

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Passionate Goodbye VIP Movie Premier (Dooley)

Hi Everyone, How you doing? <w<

Even though this happened two days ago, I didn't get round to actually posting about it 'til today. Has anybody heard about the VIP Movie Premier of "Passionate Goodbye" two days ago? :) I heard this is Hongki's first movie so a lot of his friends came to support him ^^ (Even his virtual wife, Mina Fujii, turned up -I think it was at the press conference?- with flowers in hand x3)

So yeah, when I heard that both Park Shin Hye and Jung Yong Hwa both turned up, the thought of the two attending the same event, on the same day, around the same time sets my Dooley heart a-fluttering! (If you haven't guessed by now- they're my OTP! ^//w//^) Even though we haven't heard anything about the two actually meeting, I'm sure the chances of the two bumping into one another are pretty big and better than zilch. x3

Credits to:  Dooley Couple (Jung Yong Hwa and Park Shin Hye) Facebook Page
To be honest, I've always had a theory that Lee Hongki is a secret Doolier at heart since YAB days and (if they are together), it was him who pulled the strings behind them - or maybe I'm just a bit on the Dooley-sional side ^^ 

But anyway! It's a bummer that Yong Hwa dropped out of the upcoming drama Heirs, I was really looking forward to it! (Hello?? Lee Min Ho + Park Shin Hye + Jung Yong Hwa + High School Romance + Writer of Secret Garden = Something Worth Spazzing About!! xD) But I'm sure fans are okay with Yong Hwa's decision, I mean he's already got so much on his plate already (2 Albums in a year + World Tour), it really makes one worry about his health, and plus, we can see that he was pretty depressed about not being able to take part so lets give poor Yong Hwa a break~~ :3 His health is much more important =w=

Anywho~ (I'm going a bit off-topic again! lol) Back to the movie! :) This is one worth checking out. The plot is quite unique and since cute HongKi is in it along with other interesting actors, I'll be putting this one on my list ^^

Over and Out!

-Mew x

(P.S Please don't bash Mew's fandoms, much thanks~~ =w=)

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Harajuku Lovers Earphones

Hello Everyone ^^

So I was having a bad day today due to all sorts of things that built up stress, but I got a really good surprise after school when my cousin gave me a super early B'Day present!

Every heard of the "Harajuku Lovers"? They are kind of like a brand with several characters made by Gwen Stefani out of her love for Harajuku Fashion- she's even made a song and perfumes for it! ^^

Here is a clip of the song:-

My cousin got me a pair of Harajuku Lovers Earphones made by Monsters (Heard of "Beats"- them really popular and expensive headphones? Well the creators of those were once one company with Monsters.) 

These nifty earphones are super cute x3 I'm not much of an expert with gadgets though so I can't really tell you much about the sound quality apart from the fact that it works ^^" The wires (which are quite thin) look a bit fragile~ But I like how it can be customised with the different clip-on heads of the different characters. My favourite is Baby- the one with the light pink hair ^w^.

Now officially my favourite pair of earphones :'3

-Mew x

Monday, 20 May 2013

Global We Got Married - Episode 7 - TaecGui - Making Scenes!

Hi All~! ^^

Please tell me you've watched TaecGui's Making Scenes for GWGM Ep 7! <w<
If not, here they are in 3 bite-size pieces! x3


First of all, hallelujah~! orz They've finally decided to sub (well at least part of anyway) the making scenes in English! Gone are the days where we stare distantly at our monitors, longing to be a part of the jokes we -try as we might- don't understand!  (^▽^)  The production team must've taken in those lists of pleads on their Facebook wall and Youtube comments into consideration and finally took action! Now... I wonder how they'll deal with the other big list of wishes? Season 2 anybody? ;3

So in this episode's making film, there was (yet again) lots and lots of TaecGui moments which I think should've been on the actual episodes. But at least they haven't cut it entirely out of our visual reach xD 

Which were your favourite cut scenes? ^^

I really loved that scene in the car haha. I really think they should've included it in the actual episode. Gui Gui a dangerous driver? Who could've guessed! :9 But hearing that come from her own mouth as feedback from her friends is hilarious xD

I think it's really sweet how Gui Gui tries to speak more Korean now, and Taec too with Chinese! Their conversation was really cute ^^, his pronounciation was good- he has potential > w <

Pining for the next episode already!

- Mew x

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Global We Got Married - TaecGui - Episode 7 - Review Summary

Hi, Hello, Salutations! ^^

So this will be my first proper blog post about my theme (all things East-Asian) and Mew has decided to start with the last thing she's brushed her whiskers upon which fits into that category. Today is Sunday! Which means which means that Friday was but two days ago! And I don't know what Friday means to you, but for me, it's time for my weekly dose of TaecGui-Goodness! >//w//<

For those of you who have never heard of the program "We Got Married", let alone the Global Edition, let me give you a quick 30 seconds round up of what kinda show it is so that I won't lose you half way through down the page, and if you like the sound of it, join the club! Give into temptation and make that first click that seals your deal with the devil! (Not literally, lol) Come ride the hallyu wave with us! ^^ And for those of you who do know already, feel free to skip, skip ahead! :)

"We Got Married" is basically a South Korean TV Variety Show which pairs up two celebrities to be in a virtual "marriage". The chosen bride and groom would have their virtual weddings, photo shoots etc. and little missions along the way to help them develop their relationship (real or not! ;3) throughout the period of time they spend together. This show pretty much showcases new shipping (a.k.a fangirling but for couples) possibilities ^^ 

This weeks episode pretty much confirms how adorably gullible and accident-prone Gui Gui is and how much she sucks at Rock Paper Scissors. 

The TaecGui couple finally get to go on their honeymoon to Jeju Island after their wedding photo shoot last week. (Why they decided to go on their honeymoon before their wedding- or heck, even the proposal scene!- is beyond me, but hey at least they're not the only ones who have done that so far..... Ahem.Khuntoria..... > 3 >) 

At the Airport...

The poor TaecGui couple arrive at the airport after only 1-2 hours sleep, but still with a pleasant atmosphere nonetheless. (This part was only mentioned in the FULL version. I suggest you watch the full versions of each episode instead of the 3-part Youtube snippets because they leave out some really good scenes.) When they were at the counter to be checked in, sly Taecyeon asked the assistant (in Korean) for Gui Gui's passport after she was finished with it. But even though innocent Gui Gui was oblivious to the situation (due to language barriers), she caught on (literally snatching her passport from him) just in time, very much insisting that her passport photo is "top secret" xD KekekeAnd then there was the plane ride. I wonder if they managed to take a nap during that? :3

At Jeju Island...

Cute Luggage? :3
Disclaimer: Taken from Tumbler ^^
When they arrived at the airport at the other side, a huge white car was waiting for them. They played Rock Paper Scissors and the loser had to have a picture taken in the massive trunk- and that, of course, was Gui Gui. X3 Even Taecyeon ended up in the trunk too but let's just say he didn't fit as well haha xD

The first destination they headed to was... The beach! With camera in hand and Gui Gui's in the other, Taecyeon manoeuvred them carefully around muddy puddles to get to the sea front. Meanwhilst, Gui Gui says, "Oppa, be careful! I only have Oppa" > w <

Setting up the tripod, Gui Gui spots two horse statues in the distance and soon enough a picture was taken with the duo hugging (quite dramatically lol) in front of white horse "Gui Gui" and red horse "Oppa". ^^

"You want go to swimming, together?" She Asks- probably without the hint of an idea that Taec was gonna run (dragging her with him) then leave her alone in the bog, mouth open after helpless screaming. The retreating figure of a mischievous Taec saying "Annyeong~" was really cute kekeke > w <

Taec sets the camera, "Gui Gui~! Smile!"

"NO smile!! Oppa!!"


"I can't move!"

"Okay, wait a second...!" Adjusts camera some more~

*Insert Gui Gui's Squeal Here~~~*

Taecyeon quickly sets the self-timer and runs back to pose next to Gui Gui... Well at least where she was. The girl had stomped back to the camera with popping veins, and surprisingly, hanging her bag on the tripod, she ran to the sea again with a Taec who had other plans up his sleeve. This time, Gui Gui stood ankle-deep in the bog and glared laser-eyed at Taec. She got tricked again! x3

Well it's a good thing this didn't break out into their first couple fight as they end their trip to the seaside with a bear hug, a piggyback ride and Gui Gui's remake (more like a punishment from their Rock Paper Scissors War xD) of 2pm's "10 Points out of 10 Points" ^^

 (Disclaimer: Taken From Tumbler ^^)

At the Hotel...

After settling in at their hotel room (which was filled with rose petals >//w//<), they unpacked their things from their bags. Taec had bought the "Couple T-Shirts" Gui Gui had wanted to wear together, and despite the fact that they were sponsored clothing (sigh... T^T) they looked really cute in their selca ^^
Perfect Match? x3
Then Gui Gui (after some trouble trying to open her suitcase) brought out yet another one of those Alien-themed items from Toy Story. This time? Gloves. How she even managed to get these is beyond me. Do they even sell these?? Must've took a special visit to Disneyland haha 

After Taec quickly changed the subject of trying them on, Gui Gui brought out a powder mask that they could use together. And guess what? Gui Gui being Gui Gui gave their toes an early one instead. The couple was so speechless they could only laugh! xD

Taec was trying to read the label in Chinese if you are wondering haha xD

And that's about it for this episode, folks! Me too, I wish it was longer. Can't wait to see what they get up to at the swimming pool next week though xD These episodes just aren't long enough! :')
What did you think of this episode? Don't worry about spazzing, just share in the comments below, and I'll spazz right back at ya! > w 6

I hope you enjoyed my post! And if you like what you see, please follow me for more updates on We Got Married and the TaecGui Couple! X3

Until next time...

-Mew x

(P.S Mew doesn't own any of these pictures, GIFs are taken from JC's Blog with permission <w<)

(P.P.S If you'd like me to post about the HongMina couple too, just let me know! ^^)

Friday, 17 May 2013

Funny Happenings

Hi Guys,

Just a quick note to let you know that if you notice any weird going-ons with the navigation bar (or the site in general), that's because Mew's currently tweaking it around ^^

Internet-coding language confuses me,

-Mew x

(P.S Thank you for your support of 73 views in just 2 days! I really appreciate it guys, I won't let you down! :'3)

Thursday, 16 May 2013

The Story Behind Mew Cafe

Hi Guys!

Although this post will be added under the "Chef's Recommendations" tab later, Mew thought she'd ought to let you the story behind this new cafe ^^ 

In my group of friends, we all have different interests and are huge fan girls of this that or the other but since we have nobody to fan-girl with... Life is kinda dull LoL xD Everyone's gotta vent out about their fandoms sometime! :) 

Anyway, one day in English, we decided to hold a blogging competition (the things you come up with at school...!) and we've pulled through with it yesterday! Not only is this fun for us, we also get to tell the world about what we love and meet new people with mutual interests too!

So, thank you! By visiting my blog and reading this post, you are supporting me in our competition :) 

Competition aside, what I really care about is sharing my world with you guys! I hope we can "spazz" over our love for East Asia together ^^

I'll post again soon! :D 

-The Mew who's about to be late for school x

Cutting the Ribbon

Hello and welcome to all humans (or animal companions...!) currently spending 2 minutes of their time reading my first blog entry! ^^

This is my brand new blog, which I've just brought to life with the click of a button in my local library <w< Look forward to lots of goodies on anything all-things-asian! ^^

I'm still not a very experienced blog writer so please take care of me ^^"
Let's share our fandom together~ > w <
"May the mews begin~ :D"

-Mew x